Elevating Online Presence for a Local Retail Store
Web crafting & branding

Client Overview

A local retail store that specialized in handmade, artisanal products had no online presence. Their customer base was entirely reliant on foot traffic, and they wanted to reach new audiences by creating an online storefront.

The Problem

With no website or social media presence, the client struggled to connect with potential customers outside their physical location. They needed a website to showcase their products and establish a brand identity online that mirrored their store’s charm.

The Solution

I built a modern, mobile-responsive e-commerce website tailored to their brand identity. The website’s design focused on an immersive, visually appealing experience, complete with custom product pages, integrated payment solutions, and user-friendly navigation. I also worked on their brand strategy, creating a cohesive look for their social media profiles.

  • Website Development: E-commerce platform with full product catalog, integrated payment gateways, and customer-friendly interface.
  • Branding: Developed brand colors, fonts, and visual assets to ensure a consistent online identity.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensured the website provided an optimal user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

The Results

  • 100% Increase in Sales: Within the first three months, the store saw a 100% increase in sales due to the new online channel.
  • 500% Increase in Online Traffic: The website attracted new customers from other cities, growing their audience and brand reach.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Customers appreciated the online shopping experience, with positive feedback on the site’s design and ease of use.